Monday, August 22, 2011

School :(

Ugh. School, for many of us, starts tommorow.
Listen to this song. It's "Wait and See" by Brandon Heath.
It reminds me that God isn't abandoning me to a world of endless homework and drama of my peers. He's not finished with me yet, and He is going to use me to make a difference. I just pray that He will help me through it. Please pray for a friend of my twin brother's. She was injured recently when she was hit by a car.

God bless! I'll be praying for all of you!

Loving and praying,

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I wanted to say thank you to our new follower, DreamingInLetters.
Thanks for joining!
If you guys are interested in this blog, please, feel free to follow!!

God bless!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Passion of the Christ

Has anyone seen 'The Passion of the Christ'? The movie directed by Mel Gibson? I am going to pretty soon. It's next on my Netflix queue. (BTW, in SE Asia, they almost always call 'lines' 'queues'. Kinda random, I know...)
ANYWAY, anyone seen it? I heard it's pretty INTENSE, and gory. It's rated R.
It depicts the last 12 hours of Christ's life.

Check it:

Forgiven, Beloved, Hidden in Christ,
Made in the Image of the Giver Of LIFE,


Monday, August 1, 2011



Trevor is a kitten in Heue Mai Duii, the Thai village I served in this summer. He's an orange tabby.
Sorry 'bout the zoomed outness of the pic. That's Trevor the cat.
Prounounced (TREE-VOOR or Tre-vooor)
Anyway, cute lil orange tabby, virtually a day from death, and my bro, sis, and I fed him! YAY FOR TREVOR!! But the dogs in the village kept trying to eat his food. He fought 'em off! He kept harrassing the local chickens and logs and plants as well. Not to mention the bug population. :)

Anyway, pray for Trevor and his Karen (hill tribe - pronounced Ker-IN) friends!!!
Love and prayers to all,