Thursday, July 28, 2011

Pray For the Children

This week I've been a small group leader at my church's Vacation Bible School (VBS). The kids are so cute! I have a group of first graders, eight adorable kids who are here because God specifically chose them and loves them.  Through the games, art, stories, and more, they've learned about God, the One who will always love them. Today, the fourth of five days, we had the chance to ask them if they wanted to accept Jesus into their hearts!!!!! SO EXCITING!! Jesus has shaped my life so much, and it was such a privilege to be a part of this!! 7 of my 8 kids chose to, and it was really beautiful. 6 of them couldn't read yet, so we had them repeat after us, and prayed. PRAISE THE LORD!!
God, please guide these children in all that you call them to do, and be with them on their journeys, through the rough patches as well as the smooth, just as you have done for people for thousands of years, just as you have done for me. Thank you, Father, for the little children.
Please bless them.

Guys: please pray for them! This is awesome, and we need to support kids!!

Loving and praying,

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